The taste of Lobsters from the Moon...

After running version 23.04 successfully on the home server for about ten days, I decided to do the same on the VPS. No issues had cropped up, and the only drawback of this update is that the latest version is no longer LTS. But I'm one of those guys that always keep up with his updates and upgrades, so I'm not dependent on 'Long Term Support'. Version 23.10 is expected in October, and I will be there as soon as possible. Fortunately, Virtualmin doesn't mind these kinds of upgrades, so no problems! Hurrah! The VPS is now also running as "Lunar Lobster".

Aiming for Lunar Lobster

Delightful ain't it? Nothing drastic has happened with regard to our ICT for more than half a year.
But yes, somewhere it will start to itch. In the background, I am step by step, busy activating Drupal 10. But that's a long way off, starting with finding a theme.
My home server runs just fine, with very few problems.
The web server runs fine at Vimexx.


Mjam, mjam, what a Jammy

It was a bit of a struggle, but in the end, it worked: the Vimexx VPS now also runs Jammy Jellyfish or Ubuntu 22:04 LTS. Assuming a system running under Focal Fossa (Ubuntu 20:04 LTS) you can achieve this in two ways. The first attempts at this did not succeed at all.

Jammy Jellyfish

Spent two days on the next challenge: "Jammy Jellyfish", which funny name stands for version 22.04 of Ubuntu, the OS under which our servers run, both the Home server and the VPS. Version 22.04 was officially rolled out last month, and then this retired IT professional started to itch. Jammy is officially out of beta so we can think about upgrading, right?

Home server hassle

The previous blog entry was written in mid-November last year. Has nothing happened in the meantime? Well, almost nothing... the computer situation here at home remained unchanged: the old NAS functions as storage for all files; the rather faster Home server acts as a conduit, Download server, and DLNA server. To do that, the Home Server has on its own storage a copy of a number of folders that are on the NAS, the contents of which are synchronized with the NAS every day.

Changes changed

Sometimes I am amazed afterward by previous statements... In itself, the situation has not changed significantly since the previous blog, and at the same time, everything is different. My home server is still running under Ubuntu 20.04, but that has taken a lot of effort.